
This is a space dedicated to reconnecting with your deepest self, facing life’s challenges, living a heart-centered life, and choosing joy as often as possible.

My mission on this site is to share inspiration and help women love themselves more, feel supported, and continue to chase their dreams – despite life challenges like grief, divorce, empty nests, and more.

In addition, I provide coaching as a professional Certified Divorce Coach supporting women who are going through the intense emotions and difficult decisions of divorce.

How did I get here…

I felt a definitive transition from the insanely busy and chaotic Chapter One of life and moving into a more reflective and soul-searching Chapter Two.

In my search for inspiration from other women who are rocking the second “chapter” of their lives, I realized I needed to express my own journey (or go nuts). I know I find comfort and encouragement in talking to my friends – especially my over fifty friends (you know who you are!) – and I figured others might want to share, celebrate, explore and even co-miserate.

Women of all ages face certain common issues, but there are some unique challenges and situations that women over fifty have in common. Moreover, it’s been my experience that no one can quite talk you off the ledge like a girlfriend.

More and more, I am looking for real stories on how woman over fifty are navigating their lives after their children have grown and flown. How they are dealing with aging parents, or divorce, or chronic health issues. How are they dealing with the same life challenges that I am. I yearn to be real, to be honest, and to be myself, more than I ever have before. I want to figure out who I am in this second chapter of life, what I want to do, where I want to be, and to do more of what really matters now.

I know there are many other women asking themselves these same questions. And they too are tired of seeing women’s magazines featuring stories about “How to please your man” and “1,000 ways to make chicken”? We have an intuitive urge to seek out the deeper meaning in life; to find passion and fun and purpose. We’re done with the superficial and mundane. We’re looking for deep soul expansion!  

With the slowdown in laundry, kid schlepping, food shopping, parent-teacher conferences and the like – there has to be some fulfilling stuff to add.

And that’s why I’m here. I’m on a quest to inspire you (and me) with positivity and simple practices that will guide and support you through the serious challenges we face, i.e. illness, aging parents, depression, loneliness, divorce, grief, and into perhaps one of the most soul-expanding, deeply meaningful, and genuinely happy chapters of your life.

I started to blog several years ago in the spirit of self-expression and sharing as a sort of therapy and self-discovery (and so I didn’t completely wear out my dearest friends). I followed a strong urge to connect with other women and in my own evolution and spiritual deepening, it has led me to be on a mission of working with women who are looking for soulful guidance, to clear and heal what’s blocking them so they can finally love themselves, live fearlessly, and chase their dreams. It has also taken me on a path of deepening my intuitive and empathic abilities, becoming a reiki master, and in the past several years, on a professional journey becoming certified as a Divorce Coach (after going through my own epic and transformative divorce experience after 34 years of marriage!)More on this below, and meanwhile – if you are looking for a guide, a support system, a coach to guide you through to the next version of your kick-ass self.. book a free discovery call and let’s talk about how I can help you do exactly that, just as I have done.

How I can serve you….

Professional Divorce Coaching
Guidance and Support, Emotional Regulation, Informed Divorce Strategy & Action Plans, Navigating High Conflict Divorce

My studies, trainings, and certifications along with my connection with other women and my desire to serve women who want to thrive and overcome their challenges… but who are struggling to figure out exactly what that means and how to get there – led me to coaching. You can learn more about working with me by clicking here and I invite you to SCHEUDLE a FREE CALL with me to discuss what working together looks like.  

Cord Cutting & Energy Healing

Along my journey, I became certified in Reiki, Level 1 and 2, and then in 2020, I went further and become a practicing certified Reiki Master. I was naturally drawn to this healing modality. Offering energy healing to clients has been a beautiful heart-centered way to help women who want soulful guidance, and want to feel better, need to relieve stress, to heal and clear energetic and emotional blocks, find balance and harmony in their life. I weave energy healing and my intuitive abilities to “read” energy into my coaching practice for clients. It’s been especially transformative for clients going through divorce, grief, and those at turning point stages of their life – changing careers, finding love, needing guidance to make big decisions. 

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

On a more personal note…

marlene caraballo yogaI’m passionate about connecting with other women and helping them cope with challenges using a combination of soulful guidance, intuitive energy healing, mindset mentoring, and coaching. This blog is a place of community for women who desire to live an authentic, fearless, and confident dream-chasing life. Women who don’t just want to exist, but want to THRIVE.

I grew up in New Jersey, then spent a year in Bethesda, MD, and then 35 years in Orange County, NY. And now, I call sunny, warm, Naples, Florida my home! I have had a freelance career for decades as a freelance graphic designer. And in the past ten years, I have created a successful and purpose-driven practice and business as a professional divorce coach, mindset mentor, writer, blogger, and speaker.

I am fascinated with all things spiritual and all things involving the mind and energy, or that enrich personal development… and all means of self-help, personal growth, and natural health, such as journaling, breathwork, tapping, meditation, movement, biohacking, non-toxic living, healthy eating . I love animals (like, crazy-obsessed), books, podcasts, holistic wellness, nature, and crafting jewelry in my spare time. Downtime fave thing is to take a very long walk, read, and have solo dance parties in my kitchen to boost my mood and amp up the positive vibes!

What I love most of all… my three sons and their partners and dogs! Next after that is helping others, serving other women with my abilities, skills, experience, and knowledge with my own unique kind of “magic”. <3

Stay connected with me!

I hope you will stay connected with me by subscribing for my weekly blog and sharing in the funny, pissy, fabulous, awful, healing, happy, bitchy, sad, hopeful, fearful, joyous life journey!

I love using Instagram to share more inspiration – you can find me at @_marlene_caraballo_ and I have some fun over on TikTok at @marlene.caraballo

If interested, I invite you to check out my Divorce Coaching Services here.


FREE: Quick Tips to Shift Your Mood and Energy, printable and viewable!
FREE: Daily Affirmation Cards, printable and viewable on your devices!
10 Days of FREE Mindset Tips delivered to your Inbox!
Free Divorce Wellness Checklist – simple steps to nourish yourself – view, print, download!

Featured Writing and Guest Speaking Appearances

I’m excited to share that my writing is regularly featured in the print and digital issues of FYI50+ magazine, a lifestyle and informational resource for the 50+ generation.

I feel honored to have been a past guest speaker or writer on energy healing and mindset, featured on:

tea & chocolate productions logo


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