Image of makeup and bra

The Case for Makeup and Bras

Do you think wearing makeup and a bra makes a woman less authentic? I have loved makeup since the first time my mother brought me to Woolworths at thirteen and let me buy a Bonne Bell gel blush and a powder blue Cover Girl eyeshadow. It felt like magic then and it still does. It makes me feel grown up and pulled together (much like wearing a bra, but without the discomfort). It’s a personal thing. And it’s absolutely not a judgement against women who prefer not to wear makeup (or…

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woman writing in a journal while in bed drinking coffee as part of her morning routine

How to fuel your spirit with the right morning routine

About a year ago, after reading several inspiring personal growth and motivational books written by powerful, successful women, I established a spirit-fueling morning routine of my own. Just ten minutes, doing the things that seemed to help me feel grounded and grateful, calm and nourished, and focused on what I wanted to accomplish that day. A few moments of still and peace before the chaos of the day begins. I found it incredibly helpful and useful for pruning down my normal nearly two-hundred to-dos to fewer than ten tasks that…

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image of woman breaking free of the heavy weight of guilt

Breaking free from the heavy weight of guilt

Guilt, schmilt. Are you tired of carrying the heavy weight of guilt because you’re not able to do everything for everyone? By midlife, we’ve been making choices in our lives for decades. We have had to make decisions daily, even hourly, because we can’t be everywhere and everything to everyone – all at the same time. Noticing, understanding and shining light on our superfluous feelings of guilt can help us be more giving, compassionate people, and lead to living a more positive life. The choices we have made and continue…

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Image of woman opening arms on mountain top feeling joy - main image for cheers 2 chapter 2 unmet expectations in life page

Unmet Expectations in Life: It’s Time to Climb Out from Under their Weight

Everyone wants to be happy, no doubt. Especially in midlife when we feel like our ducks should be lined up nicely in a row… On our way to an easier street. Kids mostly grown. Jobs relatively secure. Relationships rather solid. We would have expected to start coasting into a more peaceful, dare I say, cheerful, time in life. Which it could be, but we ruin it for ourselves with trouble-making expectations. Our expectations are killing us – squashing our joy. “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” – William Shakespeare…

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Main Image for Cheers 2 Chapter 2 Midlife Stress page showing a woman with head illustrated as blowing up into clouds of emotional stress

Stress in Life After Fifty | Taking It One Day at a Time

By midlife, every one of us (including us positive thinkers) has some level of unhealthy stress and overwhelm going on in their life. Some of the stress and overwhelm stems from our personal circumstances, some comes from other people’s drama around us, and some of it is of our own creation. What we all have in common is often simply trying to do too much. Regardless of what the sources of your stress may be, when the stress level gets the best of you, you’ve got to simplify, follow your…

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Main Image for Cheers 2 Chapter 2 Visualizing Your Future Self Can Lead to Better Choices Page

Visualizing Your Future Self Can Lead to Better Choices

Have you given much thought to who, what, where you want to be in twenty years (besides alive)? Tapping into the vision and wisdom of your future self can help you find the clarity to make smarter choices today. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in our busy days – full of work, to-do lists, appointments, bills and errands – that we lose sight of the bigger picture, the longer game. But envisioning the longer game can provide clearer choices for what we are doing today, the actions and…

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