Watercoolor image of a womans head with thoughts swirling

Stop Focusing on Negative Thoughts

Think about how and where your focus is leading you. It seems like it should be super complicated to figure out how to feel good more often, but the truth about feeling better is rather simple; you can control your mood by the subject you give your attention to. You probably already intuitively know this, but for emphasis, I’m going to spell it out here. Stop choosing to focus on what feels awful. The habitual focus on what makes you feel badly, worried, anxious, or insecure is draining the life…

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Woman drinking tea for Lower Anxiety Naturally – 7 Ways to Reduce Anxious Feelings page

Lower Anxiety Naturally – 7 Ways to Reduce Anxious Feelings

7 Ways to Lower Anxiety Naturally It doesn’t matter how enlightened, spiritual, zen and chill you think you are, anxiety is going to come up. You might think you are not an anxiety sufferer, but it’s impossible to not have at least an occasional flare up. (Hello – we are in a global pandemic and have been living in some form of abnormal social distancing bordering on isolation for months now!) Unfortunately, anxiety and worry are a part of the human condition. Anxiety is an almost unavoidable response when there’s…

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Woman lying in the grass barefoot for How to Get Yourself Grounded and How It Can Help You

How to Get Yourself Grounded and How It Can Help You

How to Get Yourself Grounded and How It Can Help You You may have heard the wellness term “grounded” being thrown around as it relates to wellness and wonder what all the hype was about. I have recently been getting more and more into natural, therapeutic ways to feel good and I want to share with you how grounding can be a tool in your wellness toolbox. What is grounding? Grounding in relationship to wellness refers to being in conductive contact with the earth’s subtle, natural energy for the purpose…

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Postit note with reduce stress for How to reduce stress and anxiety naturally

How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Naturally – 7 Tips to Try

How to reduce stress and anxiety naturally 7 tips to try It’s impossible to avoid stress and anxiety entirely. So, when we’re feeling the intensity of it bearing down on us, it helps to have some go-to ways to naturally reduce stress and get through the tough moments.   1. Say something. Keeping stress bottled up is unhealthy and usually makes us feel worse. Want to feel better? Open your mouth and say something. Express yourself. Gently, but truthfully, let others know how you’re feeling and why. Share what’s bugging…

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Woman sipping tea and writing in a journal smiling for cheers 2 chapter 2 how to nurture yourself page

How to Nurture Yourself

How to Nurture Yourself I’ll bet you’re quite familiar with knowing how to nurture others, but maybe you’ve forgotten (or never learned) how to nurture yourself. Maybe you haven’t realized yet just how critical it is for you to make nurturing yourself a priority. And learning how self-care can expand your sense of well-being. Is it too late? Nope, never! Let’s dig into how and why. Nurturing is natural Most of us would agree that we’ve spent the better part of our lives and our energy on giving, caring for,…

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Woman doing a happy dance jumping for joy for how to have fun page cheers 2 chapter 2

Forgot How to Have Fun?

Forgot how to have fun? It’s Time to Put it Back on Your To-Do List! Once you forget how to have fun, the rest of your life suffers. Think about it, when was the last time you had fun? I mean, the rip-snorting, laugh-so-hard-you-almost-pee-in-your-pants (or maybe you do) kind of fun. Can’t remember? I thought so. Fun is grossly underrated. We get so wrapped up in being serious. In being accountable. In doing all the things and collecting all the stuff, that we forget to have fun along the way.…

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