Make Time for the Things You Love
It’s the first week of January and I’m sure you, like me, feel compelled to make lists and plans of what we wish to accomplish this year.
Last week, I wrote about intentions… and how powerful it is to create a mindset around how you want to feel (rather than focusing on what you want to do).
Hopefully, you have spent some time this past week reacquainting yourself with what makes you feel good and have given thought to setting intentions around those positive feelings.
“You will never find time for anything. If you want the time, you must make it.” – Charles Buxton
So how do we make a game plan, strategize and build daily habits and action steps to keep us aligned with our intentions?
I think one of the most important ways to stay on the good vibes track for this year is to stop planning the usual stuff.
The chores and to-dos that you are going to do no matter what, because you have to, because your livelihood, income, health or family depend on it – shouldn’t be in your plans.
The daily things you do to keep your life moving smoothly, to keep food on the table and keep you alive are not the actions to set your focus on. Work, food shopping, cleaning, dentist appointments, cooking, etc. Those actions will most likely happen with or without your focused intention.
So instead, try turning your attention to making time for what matters most to you this year – what you love and what brings you joy.
“Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” – Stephen Covey
Take some time to consider what brings you joy, what lights you up, what makes you feel alive and full, what you love to do. Where have you neglected your own happiness this past year because you gave away all of your energy and focus to what you had to do?
List five things that matter most to you. Maybe it’s family time, your kids, reading, hiking, horses, birdwatching, rock collecting, baking, blacksmithing.
What are your passions? What lights up your soul and nourishes your mind? What activities make you lose track of time because you’re so enjoying yourself?
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
What are the actions or activities you didn’t make much time for last year, but you wish you did because you intuitively know they make you feel better? Maybe it’s paying more attention to your nutrition, to exercising, to your self-care, or nurturing your spiritual growth. Maybe it’s seeing a chiropractor, having acupuncture, journaling, gardening or getting outdoors more.
Make your own list! Keep the list handy because you might need the reminder in the chaos of life that those are the things you love to do most.
Maybe for you, it’s just getting more rest or having a good cry. With zero guilt or shame.
“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” – Mark Black
You are not on this earth living this life to be a productivity robot.
You won’t be thinking about the lists of things you did when you draw your last breath. You’ll be reviewing the things that mattered most to you. How you laughed, how you loved, how you honored your precious life.
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” – Soren Kierkegaard
Let’s take a lesson from the year we just lived. It was full of tragedy, loss, fear, and restrictions.
But you are in control of how you live this year. And I don’t mean whether or not you wear a mask or travel. I’m talking about where you focus your energy and intentions.
You can get the usual things done in your day and still make time to do the things you love doing. Don’t let weeks and months slip by without prioritizing what brings you joy.
“What gets scheduled gets done.” – Michael Hyatt
Be intentional. Build your personal priorities into your morning routine or daily habits.
As you fill your planner with to-dos for this year, make a bigger effort to pay attention to what matters most to you, make time to participate in the activities you love to do, and plan for it. – Marlene
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