setting intentions for the new year

Setting Intentions | A Powerful Way to Start the New Year

Here we are, getting ready to greet a new year.  So many of us are welcoming the idea of change because the last year was so rough. But before you toast to midnight on Thursday night, take some time to consider what you want in the next twelve months. Will you enter the next twelve months feeling empowered or will you let the next year have it’s way with you (again)? What are your intentions? Not resolutions, but intentions. What kind of energy do you want to welcome? How do…

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Woman with eyes closed looking calm finding peace

Finding Peace in Turbulent Times

This year has been a bumpy journey for nearly everyone. For many, it’s been more than rough. It’s been tumultuous, painful, and loaded with fears. Piled on top of the never-ending coronavirus concerns, we’ve been navigating political and social unrest and the strains of what feels much like living in a bizarre version of The Hunger Games. It takes quite a strong emotional fortress to not only survive the emotional chaos, but to feel peace within it, and to maybe even (dare I say) thrive. So how do we bolster…

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Mug of coffee with smiley face for the Feel Good Experiment page Cheers to Chapter Two

Feeling Good | An Experiment

Feeling good (more often) – is it possible? I admit it. I’m a little obsessed with finding ways to feel good, meaning genuinely well, more often filled with peace and optimism, and dare I say it… happy. You’ll probably agree with me that feeling good is not always easy to do. A zillion books, podcasts, spiritual leaders, gurus, religious leaders, and even the three wise men don’t always help us figure out how to feel good. So, if we can’t feel heel-kickin’ happy all the time, we can at least…

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Image of relaxing soft blanket candle How to Feel Less Stressed Out page

How to Feel Less Stressed Out – 4 Tips for a Less Stressful Holiday Season

How to feel less stressed out – Follow these 4 tips for a less stressful holiday season… Why are we about to feel more stressed out (than our 2020 usual)? As if the never-ending pandemic and the tense presidential election wasn’t stressful enough for this year… we’re now staring down the barrel of the holiday season. Even though pandemic-related gathering and travel restrictions seem like they’ll be sticking around through to the new year, the holidays are still a time with plenty to look forward to. Most of us enjoy…

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Watercoolor image of a womans head with thoughts swirling

Stop Focusing on Negative Thoughts

Think about how and where your focus is leading you. It seems like it should be super complicated to figure out how to feel good more often, but the truth about feeling better is rather simple; you can control your mood by the subject you give your attention to. You probably already intuitively know this, but for emphasis, I’m going to spell it out here. Stop choosing to focus on what feels awful. The habitual focus on what makes you feel badly, worried, anxious, or insecure is draining the life…

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Woman drinking tea for Lower Anxiety Naturally – 7 Ways to Reduce Anxious Feelings page

Lower Anxiety Naturally – 7 Ways to Reduce Anxious Feelings

7 Ways to Lower Anxiety Naturally It doesn’t matter how enlightened, spiritual, zen and chill you think you are, anxiety is going to come up. You might think you are not an anxiety sufferer, but it’s impossible to not have at least an occasional flare up. (Hello – we are in a global pandemic and have been living in some form of abnormal social distancing bordering on isolation for months now!) Unfortunately, anxiety and worry are a part of the human condition. Anxiety is an almost unavoidable response when there’s…

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