The Best Life Coach for You is You – See Why

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Learn Why the Best Life Coach You Can Possibly Hire is Yourself

No one else is going to provide the level of day-to-day encouragement and motivation you need to live your best life and achieve your personal goals but you.

It may be hard to hear or accept but no one else truly gives a hoot!

It’s not that your family or friends are selfish jerks, it’s simply that everyone is so (naturally) wrapped up in themselves and their own lives and their own daily must-dos and the dreams in their head, they can’t possibly be accountable for encouraging you every day of your life.

No one else has the capacity to live their own lives and be thinking about what encouragement you may need on any given day.

Looking for the necessary level of cheerleading, and the push, from your significant other, or friends or children or parents … or anyone else, is not going to be consistent enough for you to reach your goals and make your dreams come true.

And consistency is the key.

We alone are where the buck stops – where the responsibility for making our dreams happen lies.

I do think that mentors, life coaches, fitness coaches and the like can be incredibly effective for many people and I don’t mean to under credit their potential for spurring motivation.

But the reality is that no one else can hold you accountable the way that YOU can.

You are living your day to day life and have to choose to either make excuses or make it happen.

If we are going to wait for all of the stars to line up perfectly every time we take a step forward, we are not going to gain ground.

Without that magic ingredient – our own self-propulsion – ain’t nada gonna happen.

We won’t reach our goals or achieve what we want or live our best life by relying on others.

“Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more: Believing in yourself.” – Harry Potter

Waiting for the daily push forward each day to come from someone else is a mistake.

It isn’t always easy, but you need to be your own life coach if you want to make things happen.

I know it’s hard. I feel you.

There are days where I feel like my inner cheerleader threw her pom-poms in the trash and left town. Abandoning me to feel like I wasn’t worth sticking around for. Like I would never get a win so what’s the point of cheering.

But then there are magnificently high days where I feel unbeatable. Where I can overlook a string of defeats and still enthusiastically keep moving forward. Days where I don’t even need that beeyatch cheerleader to tag along because I feel so energized on my own.

The point is that the best person to keep you moving forward is the one who spends all day and night with you. YOU!

So, in this first week of a brand new year – let’s mindfully set out to leave behind our excuses. Our reliance on others to push us. Our obstacles. Our fears. Our own B.S.

If any day passes that we didn’t carve out space for our own goals and growth, no matter how small or brief, we can blame no one else but ourselves.

Cheers to being our own life coach and to actively pursuing an invincible year of personal growth in 2019!

– Marlene


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4 thoughts on “The Best Life Coach for You is You – See Why

  1. Hi, Marlene–I found you via Elena Peters’ blog. I couldn’t agree with you more about the need to be our own cheerleaders! Though it’s nice to get a little “you can do it!” from others, if we depend on that, we won’t get far at all.

  2. Hi! I found you while listening to Do Quite Your Day Job and Cathy gave you shout out! This post is wonderful. I am working to begin my new career as a life coach to people in “chapter 2” or as I call “Third “Quarter Life”. Your blog is beautiful, easy to navigate and your writing really resonates. Keep up the great work and I am so happy I found you! Happy New Year!

    1. Leanne, thank you so so so much for writing! Cathy is amazing! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement! And big congrats on your new career – I wish you the very best and looking forward to watching what you do! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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