Woo-Woo to Cultivate Positivity

Woo-Woo and The Enchanted Forest

I confess. I can’t help it. I’m drawn to woo-woo. Are you also contemplating using woo-woo to cultivate positivity, help you gain more power to set intentions and manifest your goals into reality? At the very least, I think there’s something to be gained from focused positivity and if it’s the woo-woo that gets us there, so be it. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines woo-woo as “dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific”. My personal definition for woo-woo is all things that are spiritual and mystical (and not specifically religious),…

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Ways to Find Inspiration

Five Super Simple Ways to Find Inspiration

It’s not always easy to feel inspired. Some days I feel down and stagnant and I’m looking for inspiration to pick me back up and keep me moving forward.  Sometimes I’m looking for a creative spark to help me attack a project from a new angle, or I’m looking for ideas on how to make better health and wellness choices, or I’m searching for inspirational advice on parenting my teenager (vs. locking him in the basement). I know how frequently I’m in need of an inspirational lift (basically every day!).…

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Full Nest Empty Nest

The Fleeting Joy of the Temporarily Full Nest

Memorial Day weekend was the first time in six months that my partially empty nest was full again. My oldest came home to visit for the long weekend. I hadn’t seen him since he was last home in December. He lives in Wisconsin and we haven’t had a chance to go out there to visit him, nor has he had the opportunity to come home, until that weekend. We didn’t do anything exciting and that almost made it even more special. Just the normalcy of him being at home, along…

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scared of things that are out of my control

Trying So Hard Not to Be Scared

I had a meltdown yesterday. It was the release of a day’s worth of trying not to give in to anxiety and fears that had built up subconsciously. The tipping point came when I accidentally pinched my finger in the hinge of the closet doors. It closed so hard on my skin that it caused an instant blood blister. I saw stars in that first intense moment of pain as tears rolled down my cheeks. I sat down on the nearby toilet seat lid holding my finger tightly. At first…

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Beat Down Negativity

Beat Down the Inner Voice of Negativity

I have a pesky little voice of negativity in the back of my mind talking smack to me. Do you too? I’d like to duct tape the mouth of that beeatch who resides in my head and spouts nasty, mean and hurtful negativity about me into my ear regularly. I can’t be alone here. I know there have to other women dealing with the inner voice of self-doubt and insecurity too. I wonder when she moved in? I don’t remember hearing that voice beat me down when I was nine…

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Feisty Heroine in Menopause

Can We Agree to Be Disagreeable?

I’m just being real. More and more. Just doing me. Are you like me and finding that midlife is making you feel less and less willing to fake being agreeable? It is an oversimplification (and also unfair) to chalk it up to hormones (or lack thereof). I promise you it’s not entirely menopause. I feel like there is a gravitational force yanking me in different directions. I can go the entire rotation from melancholy to gleeful, all in a day – sometimes all in an hour. And regardless of my…

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